Back in January I was still working for the YMCA of A2 as the Chilwdwatch Supervisor. I saw what I thought was single dad or at least stay at home dad with his son. Well me being me, I jumped in and gave him parenting advice- as if there are not 10,000 ways to parent. Well later that day I saw him in the pool and then a week or so later in a dance class. I finally got some balls and gave my number and said, "ooh our kids should hang out.. I am a part time stay at home mom..etc". Well somewhere in all this B-Iowa and I along with our families connected as friends and gradually became family of choice.
Over the last 5 months, Team B.E.T.Iowa has been there for us in so many ways it is out of control. Taking care of Abijah, sharing meals, exploring the area (still working on getting B-Iowa to the Jiffy Factory) or our 13 year old texting conversations. These are things they have shared with us; I can only hope that we have given them the same level of rewarding friendship and care in return.
Tomorrow Team B.E.T. Iowa leave on an 11 week adventure to Seattle and then Taiwan until the end of the Summer. I tease B-Iowa that it is like we are going to 2 different Summer camps. 11 weeks seems like a short time BUT in toddler time (for Thumper and T-Iowa) so much learning and changing will happen. For B and E- Iowa change will happen as well; living international should change you. As for us, Me and T-Rex... we are gonna have a baby in a few weeks- who the hell knows what that kind of change that will bring.
In the end, we will reconnect after Summer break and I am sure we will still be close however change is hard. Their leaving right now is hard- just feel like we got some good footing. Explaining it to Abijah is hard- really far way for a really long time is as good as it gets. SO Team B.E.T. Iowa (which I know B-Iowa will hate that I named them :) ) consider this my yearbook signing and send off.
Come back to us whole and safe! We promise to not make too many more friends over the Summer and to welcome you back with open arms.
Not only do I hope you change, I hope you bring the change back and share with us!
Umm.. so we're the face of Black Entertainment Television in Iowa? (B.E.T. Iowa?) Haha we'll miss you guys too!!!