This article is from the NEW YORK POST from Louis Gates Jr. (do not
know who he is- google him). I posted it in the comments below- sorry do not yet know how to attach it in the posting.
Having been to Ghana Cape Coast Slave Castle, I have experienced the Door of No Return- the gate way from which captured slaves were taken before boarding slave ships- I am in agreement with Mr. Gates for just as with American Native populations, Jewish Holocaust and Japanese Internment- to name a few of our uglier human atrocities’, the range of players and victims is vast and colorful; the culpability rest on many shoulders. Maybe, as Alice Walker says, the way forward is with a broken heart.
And I would argue that in order to end the cycle and create true closure,we must move forward with empty pockets. I feel like I am already a benefactor from my ancestors process on many fronts- from Africa to America; from Jamestown to Jim Crow; From Montgomery to Katrina; I carry so much rich vibrant hope, history,divine strength and tangible resilience within my marrow, I could not ask for more from the current government in the name of of those same ancestors.
I want to introduce my children to a better world. I want a new 40 acres and mule; I want more than a lump sum check; I think we are worth more than what this country was willing to give sharecrop farmers circa 1863.
I am honest that I do not know what or how that NEW things looks like or what form it takes but I do feel strongly that blame serves no one.
The attached photo is of Cape Coast Slave Castle- found online
Here is the new york times piece- not sure how to add that in.. learning everyday.